About me
I am a behavioral ecologist and evolutionary biologist interested in the evolution of sexual conflict and parental cooperation. I have always been attracted to how animals interact with their conspecifics and the fitness consequences of the behavioral strategies they adopt. Parental care is a fascinating social system because parents must cooperate together to raise their offspring while facing an evolutionary conflict of interest (sexual conflict). This tension between conflict and cooperation has led to the evolution of diverse parental care systems and behaviours. In my career, I have been working on different avian species, all characterized by different parental and mating strategies, such as lifetime monogamy, seasonal monogamy or polygamy. Currently, we carry out fieldwork near Madrid in Spain to study the rock sparrow (Petronia petronia), a unique species with mate desertion and poligamy. From 2024, we will also study a rock sparrow population breeding in the Italian Alps to study the effects of climate change on parental strategies. |